
Please read: At the time of shipment you will receive an email containing the tracking number. We are not responsible for packages being delivered to the incorrect address (at fault of the carrier) or being taken/stolen from an insecure location. Once the package leaves our possession and until you take possession any claims or grievances need to be addressed with the delivery service or in cases of theft need to be filed with the local authorities. We will do our best to ship in a timely manner but cannot afford to continue to reship items in instances where packages are delivered and then lost or stolen off porches.


We can ship to virtually any address in the United States. Note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to international destinations.

Shipping is free and is delivered via USPS, UPS, or FedEx. If you require quicker shipping, please pay additional at checkout.

Shipping Duration

From the time placed until the day you receive it. (Sunday does not count in calculating days)

  • Free Shipping - 2-7 Days (Dependent on Location)
  • Priority Shipping - 2-5 Days (Dependent on Location)
  • Express Shipping - 2-3 Days (Anywhere in US)
  • 2-Day Shipping - 2-Days, if order placed by 12pm EST (Mon-Fri)
  • Overnight - 1 Day, if order placed by 12pm EST (Mon-Fri)
  • Overnight with Saturday Delivery - 1 Day, if order placed by 12pm EST (Mon-Fri)

*The only shipping options that Guarantee shipping times are 2-Day, Overnight, and Overnight with Saturday Delivery. The other shipping options are ranges that typically exists. In some instances it may be shorter or longer.